Since our inception, the Perth Eye Foundation is proud to have funded all of its research and vision projects through the proceeds of investment of our capital funds which are the legacy of our founders.

A group of women waiting in a pre-op clinic
A woman with a laundry basket on her head crossing the road in Same

    We do not engage in active fundraising but would be glad to accept donations or bequests. We can offer assurance of extremely low overheads, sound governance, capable management of our investments and impactful allocation of grants.

    Unlike many other charities we can transfer the full value of all donations to one or more of our projects with complete transparency.

    Your donation will help us to support projects conducted by suitably qualified organisations and individuals who are focused on furthering ophthalmic education, research, training, capacity building, or sustainable service delivery.

    To see a list of our current projects click here.

    How to donate

    • For EFT transfers:
      Account Name: Perth Eye Foundation
      Account Number: 967804071
      BSB: 182-512
    • Mail: 10 Stirling Highway, Nedlands, 6009
    • Email:
    If you donate $2 or more, you can claim the entire donation amount on your tax return. To request a tax receipt please contact the secretary.